Rumi Vienna
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Rumi Vienna
Rumi Vienna are close friends with the Rumi club in the UK.
As you can see from the above pictures Fabbri did not stop at the 4 cylinder. Fabbri went on to produce the 6 cylinder inline engine as shown here, a fantastic achievement but look at his other achievements. The picture below shows an incredible 4 cylinder V 250cc engine. To the right is his fantastic 8 cylinder V 500cc engine.
Fabbri Giuseppe could have gone on to even greater things but unfortunately passed away before they could be realized. Fabbri was without doubt an incredible designer and engineer.
Thanks to the Oldtimers Rumi Vienna for these pictures of Fabbri and his engines taken in Italy during 1966 in memory of Fabbri Giuseppe.
One of Fabri's first designs the Rumi 4 250cc inline
The genius of Fabbri Giuseppe
Welcome to
In Austria the majority of Rumi owners do not belong to an organised club or society.
The Rumi owner collects and enjoys his Rumi generally on his/her own.
Rumi Vienna is the successor organisation of the "Rumi Klub Wien" (The Rumi incorp society Vienna) which was founded in the 1950s.
The society still exists which consists of approx five members.
These pictures were sent in by W. Zlamalik and R Baldassari some of which were taken at the Oldtimers fair in Tulln 2010
Here is a sample of their collection of scooters and bikes.